I take an interdisciplinary and engaged research approach, focused on addressing specific problems. Below is a selection of published writing organised by theme.
Urban Lighting
Light Pollution, Ethics, Policy & Environment
The Value of Darkness, Science and Engineering Ethics
Re-Envisioning the Nocturnal Sublime, Topoi
Darkening Cities as Urban Restoration, Dark Skies: Places, Practices, Communities
The Streetlights are Watching You, Prometheus
Dark Acupuncture, International Journal of Sustainable Lighting
Design for Values and the City, Journal of Responsible Innovation
Technology and the City, Springer
Repairing AI (forthcoming), Maintenance and Philosophy of Technology
Designing Autonomous Vehicles for Reducing Light Pollution, Science and Engineering Ethics
Exploring Wilderness Using Explainable Machine Learning, preprint
Ethics Education
Fostering Responsible Anticipation in Engineering Ethics Education, European Journal of Engineering Education
How Engineers Can Care from a Distance, Thinking through Science and Technology
Before Responsible Innovation, SEFI 2020 Conference
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